
Installations au 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Japon, 2011-2012.

"Inside/Out". Installation at the Passage de Retz, Paris, 2011

"One Woman's Land". Installation at the Ambassade of France in Japon, under exposure No Man's Land, Tokyo, 2009

Monique Frydman, "Whisper". Installation at the La verrière Fondation d'entreprise Hermès, Bruxelles, 2008

"Calcaire" 7 paintings. Exhibitions at the Espace Commines, Paris, 2008

"Connection à la ligne B du métro" ["Connection to Line B of the metro"] Contemporary art museum Les Abattoirs, Toulouse, 2007

"monique frydman la couleur tissée" ["Monique Frydman Woven Colour"] Matisse Museum. Cateau-Cambrésis, 2006