11 octobre - 11 novembre 2024
"10 10"
10 artistes pour 10 décors sur service de Sèvres
Musée national de Céramique
march 23 - september 1, 2024
"L'Age d'or"
Musée des Beaux-Arts de Caen
february 9 - june 9, 2024
"Le choix de la peinture"
Exposition collective au Musée de Tessé, Le Mans
september 14 - october 21, 2023
"L'Autre Rive"
Galerie Dutko, 11 rue Bonaparte 75006 Paris
may 12 - june 6, 2023
Solaire Culture "The Tangerine Space"
november 16, 2022
Meeting and Debate
Artcurial Library
Octobre 30, 2021 - January 30, 2022
"Les enfants de Bonnard"
Mus�e Bonnard, Le Cannet
September 22 - October 30, 2021
My perfect Body
Galerie Dutko, 11 rue Bonaparte 75006 Paris
9-12 september 2021
Solo Show
Art Paris, Grand Palais, Paris
Galerie Bogéna
May 20 - June 19, 2021
Chronique des jours fêlés
Galerie Dutko, 11 rue Bonaparte 75006 Paris
March 14 - May 9, 2020
Les Authentiques, Dans les ateliers d’artistes du XXIeme siècle. Les pionnières II
Exposition collective à la Galerie Pierre Alain Challier, Paris
March 10 - May 9, 2020
Exposition collective à la Galerie Dutko, Paris
From 15 october to 7 december 2019
Monique Frydman
Galerie Dutko, Paris
19 - 27 February 2019
Toget’her, Hommage de 33 artistes contemporains à des femmes inspirantes
Exposition à la Monnaie de Paris et vente caritative au profit de Onu Femmes
6 - 11 November 2018
Le temps de peindre
Exposition personnelle � l�espace Commines, Paris
5 - 8 april 2018
Solo show
Art Paris, Grand Palais, Paris
Bogéna Gallery stand G1
Opening of YouTube channel Monique Frydman
27 January - 26 June 2018
Collective exhibition
« Adventure of Seeing »
21 st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Japon.
21 February - 20 May 2018
Collective exhibition
« Images en lutte »
Palais des Beaux arts, Paris.
From 24 june to 31 december 2017
Collective exhibition
Matisse et Vence, à la lumière de Matisse
Musée de Vence
From 23 june to 17 september 2017
Trois femmes, trois regards sur le monde !
Monique Frydman, Etel Adnan, Landa Crommelynck
Collective exhibition
Centre d'art contemporain de Châtellerault
From 7 june to 12 august 2017
Personal exhibition
Parasol Unit Foundation, London
From 17 october to 13 november 2016
"In the Golden Light"
Exhibition at Passage de Retz, Paris
11 juillet - 2 aout 2015
Monique Frydman, "A journey through colors"
Bogena Galerie, Saint Paul de Vence
From 28 january to 2 may 2015
Exposition personnelle "Monique Frydman U-Topie de la couleur"
Commissariat Laurence Dreyfus
Espace muraille, Genève - Suisse
From 14 june to 6 july 2014
Exposition personnelle
Bogéna Galerie, Saint Paul de Vence
From 7 to 15 june 2014
Exposition personnelle "Des saisons avec Bonnard"
Musée Bonnard, Le Cannet
From 14 june to 21 september 2014
Exposition collective "Le Mur- Collection Antoine de Galbert"
Maison Rouge, Paris
From 14 june to 21 september 2014
Exposition collective "Mémoire de Paysage, Joan Mitchell"
Musée des Beaux Arts de Caen
From 6 may to 24 august 2014
Exposition collective "Beauvais, 350 ans, portrait d'une manufacture"
Manufacture nationale de Beauvais
27 september 2013 to 9 february 2014
Exposition collective "La Route Bleue"
Villa Empain, Fondation Boghossian, Brussels.
Du 8 au 22 january 2014
Exposition collective
Galerie Bogéna, Artspace 222, Singapore.
Du 16 au 19 january 2014
Art Stage Singapore
26 september 2013 to 6 january 2014
Monique Frydman "Polyptyque Sassetta"
Musée du Louvre, Salon Carré, Paris.
7 december 2012 to 31 january 2013
Monique Frydman "...de la couleur..." Peintures récentes
Exposition personnelle, Galerie Alice Pauli, Lausanne.
23 november 2011 to 20 march 2012
Monique Frydman
21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art.
Coordination Bogena Gidrol: www.bogena-galerie.com
Commissaire Emiko Yoshioka: www.kanzawa21.jp
19 to 23 october 2011
"Chambre à part V"
Exposition collective, Shangri-La Hotel, Paris.
18 october 2011 to 15 april 2012
"Décor et Installation"
Galerie des Gobelins, Paris.
27 april to 13 june 2011
Passage de Retz, Paris.
18 february 2010
Inauguration of the new Embassy of France in Tokyo and the opening of "The Absinthe".
Triptych Monique Frydman (190 x570 cm)
This painting hangs in the atrium lobby of the Embassy.
Coordination Bogena Gidrol: www.bogena-galerie.com
26 november 2009 to 31 january 2010
After removal services of the Embassy of France, the former local host "no man's land", an event that brings together French and Japanese artists, internationally recognized and emerging. The works, mostly created especially locally, invade all interior and exterior spaces: offices, corridors, archives, stairways, basements, gardens ...
All fields are creating the appointment: the visual arts to fashion, from design, architecture or performance.
Commissaire : Hélène Kelmatcher
19 october 2009
Remise d'insignes dans l'ordre de la Légion d'honneur
A few days before the opening of the FIAC 2009, Frederic Mitterrand presented October 19 the insignia of Chevalier in the Order of the Legion of Honor to Monique Frydman and Lorand Hegyi, Chevalier in the Order of Merit to Tania Mouraud and Commander of the Order of Arts and Letters in Roman Opalka.
27 May 2009 to 24 May 2010
Les femmes dans les collections du Musée national d'Art Moderne
While the fourth floor and part of the fifth will be the first devoted to the creative women of the twentieth century. This thematic exhibition of collections following the Big Bang and then moving images; this time to pay tribute to the feminine creation, whether painting, sculpture, photography, design, architecture, video and cinema. Spectacular opportunity to show the richness of the collections, it will also demonstrate the essential role that women occupied in the definitions of the avant-garde, the investment of new technologies, and originality of the light in the art in the twentieth century. More than 500 works, over 200 artists to rub shoulders in a staging area for the occasion and accompanied by a publication.
22 to 25 october 2009
Chambres à part III
Once "Rooms to part II in 2008," Rooms to part III "takes place again this year at The Reserve - Paris: Laurence Dreyfus proposes an exhibition of artists handpicked in a unique and prestigious.
Among the artists found Luke Best, Dominique Blais, Louise Bourgeois, Alexandre da Cunha, Dran, Olafur Eliasson
Julien Friedler, Monique Frydman, Laurent Grasso, Jeppe Hein, Avish Khebrehzadeh, P. Nicolas Ledoux, Daniel Lergon, Zilla Leutenegger, David Malek, Marilyn Minter, Kaz Oshiro, Robin Rhode, Pierre Rouillon, Katja Strunz, Wolfgang Tillmans, Iris Van Dongen, Oscar Tuazon, Jean Claude Wouters, Aaron Young, Yi Zhou ...
Plus d'info : http://www.laurencedreyfus.com
28 May to 11 July 2009
Exhibition at the Jacques Elbaz gallery from 28 May to 11 July 2009.
Galerie jacques Elbaz, 1 rue d'Alger 75001 Paris.
Phone : 01 40 20 98 07 - Site : http://www.galeriejacqueselbaz.com
13 December 2008
MONIQUE FRYDMAN - Femme en Or 2009
Monique Frydman was elected 2009 Woman Gold in the category Art.
His award was presented Saturday 13 December to Courchevel by Daniel Picouly and Colombe Schneck.
25 September to 15 November 2008
Exhibition at La verrière Hermès gallery from Friday 25 September to Saturday 15 November 2008. Opening with the artist Thursday 25 September 2008. La Verrière 50 boulevard de Waterloo, Brussels 1000.
Phone : +32 (0)472 529 673 - Email : clelia.colombani@hermes.com
See the release (in french) in PDF format

Monique Frydman
7 Tableaux 7 jours.
Commissaire : Laurence Dreyfus
See the release in PDF format |